Shareholder Agreements and Company Constitutions

We assist clients with the drafting and execution of shareholder agreements and company constitutions – important corporate governance documents.

A company’s internal management is governed by:

    • certain provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) known as ‘the replaceable rules’,
    • a company constitution, or
    • a combination of the replaceable rules and a company constitution.

A shareholders agreement is a document supplementary to a company constitution governing the rights and responsibilities of shareholders and their role in the management of the company.


Company constitutions

A company constitution displaces or modifies the replaceable rules with the exception of certain replaceable rules which are mandatory for all companies. Companies with no constitution are governed by the replaceable rules unless the same person is sole director and sole shareholder (see further information below). ‘No liability’ public companies and ‘special purpose’ companies must have a company constitution.

A company constitution is a contract between:

  • the company and each shareholder,
  • the company and each director,
  • the company and the company secretary, and
  • a shareholder and each other shareholder.

A company constitution governs internal management with rules regarding the relationship between directors and shareholders including:

  • share classes and the rights of shareholders,
  • the powers of the directors,
  • processes for appointing and removing directors,
  • arrangements for company meetings,
  • the execution of company documents, and
  • the process of amending the company constitution.

Sections 198E, 202C and 201F of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) set out rules applicable only to companies in which the same person is sole director and sole shareholder. These companies may still have a company constitution, however, the rules in sections 198E, 202C and 201F cannot be modified.

Shareholder agreements

Shareholder agreements are a key element in managing risk and growth. It is important that company founders engage in a constructive and practical way to create a shareholder agreement that is tailored to the company’s direction and objectives.

A shareholders agreement is a contract between the shareholders of a company governing a range of crucial matters including:

  • the relationship between shareholders,
  • control, ownership and management of the company,
  • the protection of the rights of shareholders,
  • the protection of the business, and
  • how shareholders exit the company.

Important clauses of a shareholders agreement include:

  • the rights and obligations of directors,
  • the rights of shareholders in the appointment and removal of directors,
  • whether a managing director is to be appointed and, if so, their role and responsibilities,
  • the frequency of meetings and the voting rights of each director and shareholder at meetings,
  • restrictions on the transfer of shares to competitors and unknown or incompetent third parties,
  • mechanisms for resolving disputes and breaking deadlocks between,
  • shareholders including the process for determining share price in the event of certain transfers,
  • shareholder rights to purchase shares being offered to a third party, and
  • restraint of trade clauses prohibiting shareholders from involvement in competing businesses.


The information provided above is not to be taken or relied upon as legal advice and Jason Francis Commercial and Construction Lawyer will not be responsible for decisions made or acts or omissions undertaken in reliance on this information. It is information intended as a guide only. You should obtain independent legal advice in respect of any issue or query you may have after reading this information.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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  • How do you work?
    We offer a free 45-minute initial consultation, which is considerably longer than what most firms offer. To provide as much certainty as possible, we give clear and accurate advice regarding our preferred approach to your matter, the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and the likelihood of success in litigated matters. We require funds in trust in advance of any work that we do, we take care to match your fees to our cost estimates and we do not charge for every email, brief telephone conversation or small task.
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    The affordability of our legal services begins with accurate and reliable cost estimates and efficiency achieved by skilled lawyers working quickly and leveraging technology. Beyond those factors, our hourly rates are competitive with other comparable firms. We have a genuine commitment to providing quality and value, and we work hard to minimise our clients’ expenses by resolving issues and disputes as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.
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    We service the entire Sydney metropolitan area and we also have regional, interstate and overseas clients. We have offices for face-to-face client conferences in Cronulla, Sydney CBD and Parramatta. However, regardless of your location, we are able to provide our services by telephone and video conferencing, and cloud-based document sharing. We also often conduct face-to-face conferences with clients at their offices or place of business where it is convenient and appropriate to do so.
  • Do you prefer a particular type of client? Plaintiffs or defendants? Builders or homeowners?
    We act for all types of clients and we do not have a preference for any particular type of client. We will act for you and protect your interests with determination and sophistication regardless of whether you are suing someone or being sued.