Our Sydney Planning Lawyers will enforce your development rights

We will assist clients with their engagement with planning and consent authorities, in residential planning-related court matters and where orders are issued or other action is taken against private parties by government. Our Sydney planning lawyers provide advice and representation in relation to:

  • exempt and complying development,
  • civil proceedings in the Land and Environment Court (LEC) including:
    • Class 1 “merits appeals” against refusals to grant development consent.
      These appeals are a re-hearing of the development application and fresh or additional evidence may be given on the appeal. The Court hears and determines, on the facts and law applying at the time of the Court’s determination, whether to grant or refuse consent to the development application. The Court does not review the legality of the council’s decision. The Court’s decision is deemed to be the final decision of the council and is to be given effect accordingly
    • Class 4 “judicial review” of decisions made in relation to development consents.
      A judicial review is concerned with the legality of the decision (rather than the merits), such as whether the council had power to grant consent, whether the council followed the correct legal process in determining the application and whether the council took into account relevant considerations and ignored irrelevant considerations.


Strict time limits apply to merits appeals and judicial review proceedings. Appeals against development application consents or refusals must be commenced by the applicant within 12 months of receiving notice of the decision. Appeals against consents for “designated developments” must be commenced with

  • orders issued under Section 9.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) or Section 124 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) including:
    • Stop Work Orders
    • Demolish Work Orders
    • Stop Demolition Orders
    • Repair Orders, and
    • Restore Works Orders
  • Local Court of NSW civil proceedings in respect of planning or property law matters,
  • obtaining a Building Information Certificate to prevent the relevant council, for a period of 7 years, from making an order, or commencing proceedings for the making of an order or injunction under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) or the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) requiring a building to be repaired, demolished, altered, added to or rebuilt, and
  • obtaining Construction Certificates and Occupation Certificates.

Sydney Development Application Lawyers

Our Sydney development application lawyers assist homeowners, architects, contractors and developers at every stage of the residential development application and assessment process to achieve a smooth transition from the conceptual phase through to approval by the consent authority.

Whether you are seeking approval for a garage conversion, renovation, extension or the construction of a large new residential property, our development application lawyers will guide you through the process and enforce your development rights.

Our development application services include:

  • preliminary advice on the development application process,
  • obtaining planning certificates and property reports,
  • pre-application engagement with neighbours, the community and council’s duty officer,
  • preparation of reports and plans,
  • drafting, compilation and lodgement of development applications,
  • post-application engagement with council’s assessment and specialist officers,
  • applications for a Modification of Consent under Section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) for changes to approved plans or conditions of consent, and
  • applications for a variation to development standards under Clause 4.6 of the relevant Local Environmental Plan.,

Our Sydney Neighbour Dispute Lawyers will enforce your private property rights

We assist homeowners in their disputes with neighbours where there are contested property rights, easement-related issues or disputes in relation to boundaries, trees and fences. Our Sydney neighbour dispute lawyers provide advice and representation in relation to:


The information provided above is not to be taken or relied upon as legal advice and Jason Francis Commercial and Construction Lawyer will not be responsible for decisions made or acts or omissions undertaken in reliance on this information. It is information intended as a guide only. You should obtain independent legal advice in respect of any issue or query you may have after reading this information.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

What our clients are saying

Frequently asked questions

  • How do you work?
    We offer a free 45-minute initial consultation, which is considerably longer than what most firms offer. To provide as much certainty as possible, we give clear and accurate advice regarding our preferred approach to your matter, the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and the likelihood of success in litigated matters. We require funds in trust in advance of any work that we do and we take care to closely match your fees to our cost estimates.
  • How affordable are your prices?
    The affordability of our legal services begins with accurate and reliable cost estimates and efficiency achieved by skilled lawyers working quickly and leveraging technology. Beyond those factors, our hourly rates are competitive with other comparable firms. We have a genuine commitment to providing quality and value, and we work hard to minimise our clients’ expenses by resolving issues and disputes as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.
  • What geographical areas do you service?
    We service the entire Sydney metropolitan area and we also have regional, interstate and overseas clients. We have offices for face-to-face client conferences in Cronulla, Sydney CBD and Parramatta. However, regardless of your location, we are able to provide our services by telephone and video conferencing, and cloud-based document sharing. We also often conduct face-to-face conferences with clients at their offices or place of business where it is convenient and appropriate to do so.
  • Do you prefer a particular type of client? Plaintiffs or defendants? Builders or homeowners?
    We act for all types of clients and we do not have a preference for any particular type of client. We will act for you and protect your interests with determination and sophistication regardless of whether you are suing someone or being sued.