Get clarity and peace of mind from our experienced commercial litigation lawyers in Sydney.

Litigation is complex and costly.

The outcomes can be uncertain.

This is why we take every step to ensure that, as our client, you:

  • Know the full extent of the challenges and risks that you face.
  • Avoid gambling your money on risky claims or weak defences.
  • Do not pay for work that is unnecessary or will make little difference.
  • Enjoy a protective approach to your commercial litigation with a focus on risk management and cost effectiveness.
  • Obtain reliable estimates of the total cost of a litigated matter and the financial impact of the range of possible court-determined outcomes.

The approach we take involves managing risk with early and accurate identification of legal and evidentiary issues. Moreover, we convey this information to you in easy to understand terms.

We believe that when you are armed with an understanding of your case and the possible financial outcomes, then you are able to make informed decisions about pre-litigation and pre-trial settlement offers.

Your decision to commence proceedings or to maintain a defence all the way to trial will be made with more confidence and certainty.

To gain more clarity about your next best step, book your free 45-minute consultation today.


We handle commercial disputes
of all types — regardless of where you are.

We have regional, interstate and overseas clients so we can work with you regardless of your current location.

Although we have offices in Cronulla, Sydney CBD and Parramatta, we are able to provide our services by telephone, video conferencing, and cloud-based document sharing.

We also conduct face-to-face meetings with clients at their place of business or where it is convenient and appropriate to do so.

Breach of
contract claims

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What our clients are saying

Our commercial litigation lawyers
provide services including…

  • Preliminary advice and case appraisal
  • Letters of demand
  • Proceedings in the Local, District and Supreme Courts of NSW and in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal including:
    • applications for preliminary discovery under Part 5 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW) (“UCPR”)
    • applications for security for costs under Part 42, Division 6 UCPR
    • drafting and filing Statements of Claim and Cross Claim, Summons, Originating Process and Defences
    • urgent applications including injunctions and freezing orders under Part 25, Division 2 UCPR
    • preparation of affidavits and expert evidence
    • applications for default judgement under Part 16 UCPR, summary disposal under Part 13 UCPR and dismissal for want of due despatch under Part 12, Division 3 UCPR, and
    • applications to set aside or vary judgments or orders under Part 36, Division 4 UCPR.

Move forward with conviction by working with lawyers who play to win.

Legal proceedings can be costly and stressful and should only be an avenue of last resort.

Hence, it is our practice to avoid legal proceedings where possible.

However, where legal proceedings cannot be avoided, our Sydney commercial litigation lawyers will litigate the matter vigorously.

We have well-established working relationships with highly skilled commercial law barristers, so you can move forward with confidence.

Here are some of the commercial litigation and dispute resolution cases we handled recently…

Acted for plaintiffs who sued for breach of contract in relation to an aged-care franchise. Obtained a consent judgement and court-ordered instalment plan within 2 months of service of the Statement of Claim.

Acting for building contractors and homeowners in building dispute matters totalling in excess of $1,500,000.

Acted for interstate clients sued by a Sydney accounting firm for recovery of unpaid invoices. Concluded a pre-trial settlement for approximately 50% of the claimed amount following our identification of services rendered without legal authority.

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Why Clients Choose Jason Francis?


Unlike general services law firms, we do not practise outside our specialties. As a full-service commercial and construction law litigation firm, we are able to provide the competitive advantage you need to obtain the most favourable outcome.


We will only act for you if it is likely that the benefit to you will significantly outweigh the costs. We will then provide accurate cost estimates and detailed advice as to the risks and likelihood of success in litigated matters.

Quality & Integrity

We limit our caseload to ensure that every client gets the care and attention they deserve. We carefully consider all of the personal and financial circumstances of our clients.

Attentive & Responsive

If our clients ask us a question they get an answer within hours – regardless of what day it is -and our clients will always enjoy direct access to the firm’s principal.

High-Value Yet Affordable

We detest price gouging. We offer fixed fees for certain items of work to make those services accessible and budget-friendly. We don’t charge for every phone call, email or small task. To avoid incurring unnecessary costs, we work efficiently by leveraging technology.

Premium Service

You case will be handled by highly experienced lawyers with business and industry backgrounds – not junior solicitors who have little to no experience.

Frequently asked questions

  • What types of clients do you work with?
    We act for all types of clients and we do not have a preference for any particular type of client. We will act for you and protect your interests with determination and sophistication regardless of whether you are suing someone or being sued.
  • What geographical areas do you service?
    We service the entire Sydney metropolitan area and we also have regional, interstate and overseas clients. We have offices for face-to-face client conferences in Cronulla, Sydney CBD and Parramatta. However, regardless of your location, we are able to provide our services by telephone and video conferencing, and cloud-based document sharing. We also often conduct face-to-face conferences with clients at their offices or place of business where it is convenient and appropriate to do so.
  • How do you work?
    We offer a free 45-minute initial consultation, which is considerably longer than what most firms offer. To provide as much certainty as possible, we give clear and accurate advice regarding our preferred approach to your matter, the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and the likelihood of success in litigated matters. We require funds in trust in advance of any work that we do, we take care to match your fees to our cost estimates and we do not charge for every email, brief telephone conversation or small task.
  • How affordable are your prices?
    The affordability of our legal services begins with accurate and reliable cost estimates and efficiency achieved by skilled lawyers working quickly and leveraging technology. Beyond those factors, our hourly rates are competitive with other comparable firms. We have a genuine commitment to providing quality and value, and we work hard to minimise our clients’ expenses by resolving issues and disputes as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.


The information provided above is not to be taken or relied upon as legal advice and Jason Francis Commercial and Construction Lawyer will not be responsible for decisions made or acts or omissions undertaken in reliance on this information. It is information intended as a guide only. You should obtain independent legal advice in respect of any issue or query you may have after reading this information.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.